Coaching Options
Coaching Options
Discovery Session
Discovery Session
A 2-hour session designed to meet you where you are. Together we will gain clarity around your money and leave you with specific recommendations identified to propel you forward into your future.
A 2-hour session designed to meet you where you are. Together we will gain clarity around your money and leave you with specific recommendations identified to propel you forward into your future.
*If finances are not yet combined each partner will have a separate discovery session
*If finances are not yet combined each partner will have a separate discovery session
United Financials
United Financials
A four-month program designed to join two individuals on the financial front, through sessions reviewing an array of topics, strategies, and some of life's curveballs.
A four-month program designed to join two individuals on the financial front, through sessions reviewing an array of topics, strategies, and some of life's curveballs.
*Includes Discovery Session for both partners
*Includes Discovery Session for both partners